Twitter Hour
Join us for our next #TwitterHour on 17/5/2023 at 20:00 as we discuss the theme of 'academic publishing'. Scroll down to see the questions we'll be asking below!
To foster continuous professional development and support to researchers within the defence community we are hosting a monthly #TwitterHour dedicated to defence research topics. A #TwitterHour allows instant connection to the defence research community and beyond, engaging around a range of topics which we hope will be thought provoking.
Once a month (usually the second or third Wednesday at 20:00) we will host an online discussion linked to our monthly theme. Four questions will frame the discussion. Answers will be linked through participant inclusion of @DefenceResNet and #DefResChat (so make sure you add that to your answers!).
Our Next #DefResChat
Join us on Wednesday 17 May 2023 at 2000 BST
The questions we'll be asking are:
How to participate
Prior to #TwitterHour, we'll post four questions here on our website.
At 20:00, the first question will be posted on Twitter with subsequent questions following every 15 minutes for the following hour.
Questions will stimulate responses from different Twitter users, the idea is that you engage with the responses that resonate with you to stimulate conversations in many different directions. This can be fast paced as there may be a flurry of responses, but the more you engage the more manageable we hope it will be. You do not need to respond to every tweet or question please engage on the topics that you enjoy and are interested in!
Please be sure all your replies include @DefenceResNet and the #DefResChat hashtag so that all users can see your responses and to make sure that all tweets are linked.
NB: If your Twitter account is usually protected (i.e., if you have a padlock next to your handle), people will not be able to see your tweets. Be sure to turn this protection off if you would like people to interact with you!